Laneige Cream Skin Refiner Review

WOW time sure has passed super quickly without me realizing it!! I can’t believe it’s already 2022?! The last two years or so has really just felt like a fever dream. First off, happy new year and also happy lunar new year!! I hope everyone has been doing well during these crazy times.

I totally meant to get this review up way sooner, and by sooner I mean last year COUGHS but somehow time has just flown right on by and I disappeared until now.

It’s been a whirlwind last few months and I’ve had some major life changes (all good!) so I haven’t had much time to sit down and write any reviews.

However, I have been able to consistently use this Laneige product I picked up during the sale back in June/July of 2021. I purchased this at the same time as my MISSHA sunblock and have been using it daily ever since. Since the purchase, I think I’ve repurchased this at least another 6 or 7 times? In any case, it’s been consistently in my skincare routine and I have no plans of dropping it from my daily rotation.

I used to really enjoy using Sulwhasoo products, but I really felt like I couldn’t justify the $80-$100 price tag on all of their products. In particular, I really loved the Sulwhasoo First Care Activating Serum and it was typically the first step in my skincare routine. While I do feel like it definitely made a difference on my skin, I still felt really painful whenever I had to buy a new bottle, especially since I used it both morning and night so the bottle would be depleted really fast, usually in a month and a half or so, even if I only used one pump.

So anyways, I eventually decided that after my last bottle ran out, I would just not repurchase it and maybe try to find something else to replace it with.

I picked up the Laneige Cream Skin Refiner not really expecting much from it, but still being interested in it because I like Laneige products and I’ve seen some good reviews before.

The toner has a really liquid consistency, and it straight up looks like milk. Like, you poured a puddle of milk into your hands and you’re about to slap it on your face.

I have to say, at first I really had zero expectations for this, but surprisingly the product ended up being pretty nice! It actually did more than I expected, and I have to say I feel like my skin is much softer and more moisturized compared to when I used the Sulwhasoo serum.

The toner makes your skin feel soft, and it feels prepped and ready for the other products. It absorbs quickly, there’s no real sticky residue left behind, and I definitely feel like that moisturized feeling underneath my skin rather than just on the surface.

Overall I’m really pleased with this and when I don’t have it in my skincare routine, I can definitely feel the way it affects my skin. I pretty much always keep a second bottle of this in stock because I go through it so quickly. Luckily it’s not very expensive, only around $20, and in any case, it’s way cheaper compared to Sulwhasoo.

This Winter has been really harsh on my skin. Normally a couple of toners, a cream and a heavy occlusive are enough for my skin (as I’m relatively oily) but this Winter my skin has felt insanely dry due to the lack of moisture in the air. I don’t have a humidifier in my house either so that also doesn’t help. I’ve been adding a lot of new products to my skincare routine in hopes of getting it more moisturized, and I’ve had some fun playing with those products recently!

Hopefully I’ll be more consistent in posting in 2022 but uh… won’t make any promises.

Thanks for reading!!

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