Quick Skincare Product Reviews

Hello everyone!

Winter has been hell on my skin recently. I also ended up over exfoliating which has obviously not made my skin any better. I was going to save these products for separate reviews, but realized I didn’t have a lot to say on them? So I decided to smoosh them all into one post for some quick skincare reviews. I’ve used up most of these to empties but not entirely so some of these are also just some first impressions based on what I’ve seen so far.

Anyways, let’s just jump right into it.

Purito Deep Sea Pure Water Cream 50g

I’ll start off with this cream. I purchased this as just a random item I wanted to test out to hopefully help introduce some more hydration into my skin. I was feeling very dry and dehydrated on my skin despite drinking a lot of water. I don’t have a lot of “heavy duty” moisturizers in my skincare routine as I’ve never needed them due to being pretty oily in my T-zone. I didn’t want to go too crazy and get like something really heavy duty only for it to end up making my skin oily. This seemed like a pretty good fit for what I wanted. Here’s what the description states on Amazon:

This cream is formulated with 60% of deep ocean water, effective in replenishing dry and dehydrated skin. It contains natural marine ingredients and sodium hyaluronate to keep the skin hydrated giving a healthy glow after the first application. It has a clear and gel-type texture that glides on smoothly and leaves the skin feeling hydrated and plump.

Amazon.com Description

I like Purito products a lot because of the fact that they’re unscented and just overall very moisturizing and do a good job. Recently, I really dislike having scented skincare unless it’s a light fragrance because I use so many products that too many scents jumbling together just gives me a headache. I think the only product I have right now that has a scent is the Banila co Miss Flower & Mr Honey cream, which is one of my holy grail products. The scent on that cream is insanely light and very pleasant so it’s never bothered me.

Since I was looking for something to help my skin, I picked this item out. It has a relatively light consistency, just a white thin cream, and it absorbs into the skin really easily. I did really like this product, however I’m not gonna lie, I think the only thing it did was make my skin softer which, while nice, did not really help with the whole dry and dehydrated feeling issue. I used it up really fast too since I use it every morning and every night. While it did definitely add some moisture back into my skin, it wasn’t enough. I kind of regret purchasing something light now and wish I would have just gotten something heavier.

It retails for around $15.60 on Amazon and I used it up in maybe a month, month and a half after I purchased it. This is pretty standard for me in terms of product use since I do my skincare pretty dililgently every day (as in, I don’t think I’ve skipped a day in like… years…. LOL) so I wasn’t too put back by the price and how much I use it for.

To be honest, I probably wouldn’t mind picking this up maybe in the summertime considering how hot it gets here, but in Winter? It seemed relatively useless.

That being said, I did like how soft it made my skin.

I’d probably give it a solid 3 out of 5 stars.

Pyunkang Yul Moisture Cream

From Amazon.com because I forgot to take a photo before I tossed the jar and took out the trash haha :’)

Ok. So this is a product I literally picked up on a whim. It was on sale in a bundle with the Pyunkang Yul Facial Essence Toner which is one of my favorite toners, so I just picked it up since they were pretty cheap together and I needed another cream for the Winter.

I have mixed feelings about this cream. While I do really like it and definitely feel like it adds a lot of moisture to my face and makes my skin super baby soft, it’s also one of those products where a little goes a long way, and if you use too much by accident, it takes what feels like ages to work the product fully into your skin.

Similar to the Purito cream I listed above, the cream is white and has a sort of almost bouncy texture to it. However, it’s very uh… I don’t know how to describe it. It isn’t thick in it’s consistency, but very… hard to work into your skin. If you don’t use a lot and just enough, it’ll spread and absorb into your skin quickly and won’t leave behind any residue.

But if you use too much, you’ll be rubbing white cream into your face for like a solid minute or two before it all finally goes away. I’ve definitely used too much before and sometimes, even after all the rubbing I did to get the product to sink into my skin, I’ll still look in the mirror and see like… white lines on my forehead or my cheeks where I didn’t get the product to sink in completely.

My skin is also in this weird state where it feels dry but it also gets oily nowadays at the end of the day, and sometimes I feel like this is the product that’s contributing to the over-oiliness of my skin but I’m not actually sure.

So trust me when I say a little goes a long way. I do absolutely love how this has really made my skin soft, moisturized and just overall glowy. I also like that it lasts a lot longer because you need so little of it. However I guess I also don’t know if I 100% want to continue using it? I think I might take a break from it just to see how another product might work, or I might make this a Winter only staple.

Anyways I’d probably give it a solid 4/5, I’ve already repurchased this product twice! My skin has just been so funky recently that it’s hard to say whether or not I’d want to repurchase this because of it.

CosRX Ultimate Moisturizing Honey Overnight Mask

From Flutterwave because I tossed mine 😐 lol

Okay, I’ll be the first to admit that this was a product that was basically doomed to failure right from the start.

I don’t even like overnight masks to begin with for the most part. I have no clue why I even purchased it. But I did, with hopes that maybe it would make my skin softer, more moisturized and smoother the next morning.

Spoiler alert: it did not.

Instead it mostly just made my skin super dried out the next morning after I’d washed it off. Like, really squeaky tight kind of dry. It was super depressing.

Especially for a product that’s supposed to be moisturizing. Anyways, when I say “empties but not really” this is the product I’m referring to. I used it once and tossed it after one try, that’s how much I didn’t like it.

While it smells nice and feels great going on, like really moisturizing right when you put it on, after I woke up and washed it off it made my skin soooo tight. I’ll also admit that I don’t like overnight masks because I tend to roll around in my sleep. I sleep on my side for the most part so getting the mask all over my pillowcase was really not something I wanted to do. As a result, I slept somewhat uncomfortably to avoid that LOL.

Anyways 0/5, will not repurchase.

IUNIK Rose Galactomyces Silky Tone-Up Cream

A product I chose because I, being the absolute stupid idiot, forgot what the word tone-up cream meant while I was purchasing this. This was another purchase I made thinking I could get a product to incorporate into my skincare routine that would help moisturize my skincare, not realizing that this is a tone-up cream for foundation base, obviously.

So of course I put this on my skin one morning and blanked while staring at my reflection in the mirror because I had just smeared on a slightly thick cream that was leaving an incredible white cast on my skin.

As indicated by the name, tone-up creams are supposed to even out your skintone or “whiten” them before you apply makeup foundation over it. And 100%, this product did it’s job. I won’t lie, my Laneige cushion foundation lookekd great over it!

But it didn’t really fit what I intended to do with it.

However, I was still pleasantly surprised by the product, and I do feel like it evened out my tone quite a bit. Obviously though, because tone-up creams are usually pretty intense about whitening your face. I honestly can’t say though if it contributed to keeping my foundation on my skin longer because the Laneige cushion foundation (I can’t recall the name but it’s the glowy one in the pink cushion) already stays on my face extremely well to begin with, so I can’t vouch for that.

I will admit though I don’t feel like it was much in the moisturizing department, and it left my face feeling somewhat ‘heavy’ after I’d applied it.

Overall, not sure if I would repurchase? I have two though because OF COURSE I had to buy it during the 1+1 sale LOL :’).

Overall, probably a 3/5…?

haruharu wonder Black Rice Facial Oil (Sample Size)

I got two samples of some haruharu wonder products from their Black Rice line and decided to try this one out. I usually use it after my banila co cream to seal up all of the moisture in my skin.

I tried this out not expecting much despite having heard good things about haruharu wonder, however this product really surprised me!

First off, it has an EXTREMELY heavy scent. If you’ve ever smelled traditional Chinese medicine, this product smells HEAVILY of that. Like, VERY strong. It’s not a weak scent at all. I don’t mind it because you know, Chinese-American, but if you are sensitive to smells you’d probably hate this.

However, this oil works great. I use it only at night time because day time use I know this would be too heavy for me. But it’s really helped my skin out.

My skin felt softer and more moisturized just the first day after I had used this the night before. Every night that I’ve remembered to use this, my skin definitely felt way more moisturized and softer the next morning.

On top of that, at around only $15.00 a pop for 30 mL on Amazon, I plan on buying the full size version soon.

5/5, would recommend! (but only if you can stand the heavy smell lol)

It’s interesting how the environment affects our skin so much. I mean, this is definitely a given, but I always muse about when I used to live in a humid city that I never needed much – I’d just slap on a toner, a cream, sunscreen and be on my merry way. Then I moved back home and suddenly I need 3 toners, 2 serums, 4 creams, and a facial oil just to feel remotely moisturized.

I was recently gifted a rather nice humidifier and I’ve been using that at night and I must say, it’s made a huge difference. However with the Summer months coming upon us I find that waking up in the warm weather and the humidity in my room has proven to be… unpleasant. All par for the course, considering my dislike of humidity. But I continue to use it anyways because boy has it been helpful!

On a side note, has anybody watched Old Enough on Netflix? It’s so freaking cute! I’ve also started the Spy x Family anime recently, hands down one of my favorite shows ever. The manga was SO good and I’m so glad it got animated!

Anyways I hope everyone has been well and health and thank you again for reading!

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