Laneige Radian-C Cream Review

Man I have really just been winning recently with Laneige products. I don’t think I’ve encountered a product yet that I haven’t enjoyed recently.

So some time last year I started using A313, and as a result, completely over exfoliated my face. I stopped using it shortly thereafter, hoping that my skin would just sort of correct itself. As a result though I began to get pretty bad dry patches on my nose that have been hands down exhausting to deal with. Especially because they’re right on my nose and it’s REALLY obvious when it happens.

I’ve never really had issues like this crop up before, so I wasn’t really sure what I should do to fix it. I read vitamin c and aloe would help with that, so I purchased an aloe face wash from holika holika, upped my hydration, and bought a vitamin c serum which I insanely regret buying now.

The first one I bought was from a brand named Findley’s – their Vitamin C Complex Brightening Face Serum; it had cute packaging and was pink and was cheap at Marshall’s. Honestly, I figured, it’s just Vitamin C, like, how different can products get? My mistake lol.

The serum only seemed to exacerbate my dry patches and not do anything to help them, so a few days of use and I quickly dropped it.

I then remembered I had four samples of the Laneige Radian-C cream that I got with a couple of my previous Laneige purchases and decided to use those.

And quite literally, I saw results the next day after my first use. The cream is pretty thick, and it has a really nice very soft citrus orange smell. My dry patches were still there, but WAY better compared to before, and overall I felt that the redness that was on my nose began to tone down as well.

I immediately ran to Olive Young Global to buy the full sized product – and luckily managed to score the full sized with two 7 ml bonus sizes for less than the regular price of the full sized product (as well as the Koshort in Seoul cushion from Clio 😀 LOL).

I’ve been using this consistently at night for the last few months and my dry patches have completely gone away. The dry patches were gone in only a week or two of consistent night time use and extra hydration. The redness around my nose has also faded a lot, and in general, I feel that my skin is much brighter, more plump, and overall softer and just plain better compared to before. If I had known this was all I had to do just to get my skin fixed I would have purchased this ages ago! I’m definitely kicking myself in the butt for not looking this up earlier LOL.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve never experienced issues like this before, and all my previous experiences with Vitamin C haven’t really been particularly impressive? I’ve used the klair’s Vit C and felt like that did nothing, I’ve used the Findley’s, and a few other different brands and to me, I never really felt like I got any results. However, with this cream, I can definitely see a difference in my skin. Plus, I really enjoy that it’s a cream and not a direct serum or anything like a lot of other vitamin c products.

Overall, 10/10, would recommend. I’ve already purchased a back up on Olive Young Global for when I run out. Those two samples last a pretty decent while as well, especially since I only use this product at night.

The set is on sale right now through Olive Young I think for like $31 USD ish? The regular price of the product is $35.00, so in my opinion, although it’s not a fantastic deal, it’s still better than buying it in store at Sephora or something.

Anyways, as usual, thanks for reading!

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