Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask Review

Summer Fridays packaging always looks so nice. I’m a real sucker for those paint-esque looking packages, like the Glossier blushes or the I’m Meme pep balm blushes. I don’t know why – I just like the look of this type of packaging, even if it really isn’t the most convenient packaging around.

I had a gift card to Sephora last Summer so I decided to splurge and get a few items I’d been curious about for a while. This Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask was one of the ones I decided to try. I got the smaller size, the 1.0 oz product for $26.00. Although I originally purchased this in Summer, I ended up waiting until Winter to try it out again because of how my skin reacted in Summer to it. And then of course it sat in my drafts for editing until now, LOL.

Anyways, I’m really glad I got the miniature size of this product, because this cream interacted horribly with my skin (not that the miniature is all that small lol).

Now, I’ve always assumed I’ve had oily skin, but last year I figured out that I probably have dehydrated skin which was causing the oiliness, because I don’t really get dry skin per se, but I get pretty “dry” on the inside of my skin, but still produce a decent amount of oil in my T-zone, which always felt like it was sitting on top of the skin like some kind of oil slick. Like, underneath my skin would feel dry, if that makes any sense, even if I drink a ton of water throughout the day. Because of this, I experimented quite a bit with my skincare over the 2023 year period to find something that would keep me hydrated on the surface and inside my skin, because I really hate that like “dry” and “stretched thin” feeling you get when your skin feels dry on the inside. Now that we’re in 2024, I can pretty much safely say that I’ve perfected my skincare routine Winter and Summer, and now I pretty much never get oily on my skin, and I always have that plump, hydrated feel from inside and outside.

Last Summer my state had extremely wet (and therefore… strangely humid) weather, so I typically only used this product at night to let it really give me that moisturization overnight.

The product comes out super fast out of the packaging as well when you first open it. Like, a ton just exploded out of the packaging, which was kind of depressing, because this product isn’t cheap. It also just continues to flow out when you open it, sometimes too fast, and it’s hard to get a good amount without feeling like you’re wasting a ton of product, especially considering the price.

It’s a thick, white cream, and you can definitely tell how moisturizing it is when you rub it into your skin.

Honestly it didn’t make my skin super oily at all after I used it, so I felt relatively optimistic. How wrong I was.

For some background, my skin is not acne prone at all. I don’t tend to purge or break out when trying out new products of any kind, even if I slather a bunch at the same time on my skin. I also don’t really break out even when using stronger actives or anything like that.

However, I had just gotten rid of a zit when I started using this product, and this product ended up re-clogging that zit up, and then another zit appeared beside it, and then a THIRD zit appeared on the bottom of my chin. This literally NEVER happens to me. I can’t even remember the last time I had more than one zit on my face EVER.

Obviously, this was the only new product I’d used. So naturally I went from using it every day at night, to just once in a while at night, and then finally not at all. My zits finally disappeared after this, and luckily they didn’t leave any acne scars on my skin.

I’ve literally never had this happen to me before. It was a weird experience, to say the least.

I think it might be that the weather has been really humid and I myself have been quite sweaty due to the heat, which makes this heavy moisturizer work against my skin.

I ended up waiting to use this in Winter, and unfortunately, I got the same results. Instead of hydrating my skin during our EXTREMELY dry winter weather, it ended up doing nothing for me and I ended up with a zit on my forehead instead this time. Extremely unfortunate, considering how little I used, how much it cost, and how much is still left…

I still can’t believe how terribly it interacted with my skin! It was super shocking to say the least. I literally get a zit once maybe every other year but using this product gave me THREE. AT ONCE!? And then another one even in Winter, when my skin was basically begging for moisture!

And yet, despite the fact that I’ve been burned twice, part of me still wonders: would this be good on an airplane ride? LMAO. I’ve been thinking about it even more now that my next international trip has been booked. But, I’ll probably play it safe and not use it, and simply gift it to a friend instead.

Overall, pretty upset with how bad this was for my skin, and it’s solidly in the never repurchase pile. Honestly, I’m kicking myself a little bit in the butt because I had this feeling it would be too much for my skin, but I still bought it anyways! Sigh, I’m really too easily swayed by cute or good looking packaging.

Thanks for reading!

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